5 Steps for Glowing Bridal Skin

While the right makeup artist can create beautiful makeup on your wedding day, having your skin in really good condition can help us to make you glow even more. Whether your wedding is in six months time or in a year there is no better time than now to start thinking about your bridal skin regime. Investing in your skin is one of the most important things you can do as part of your wedding planning. One of the most important things to remember when trying new skincare is not to try anything new in the final few weeks before your wedding in case you react.

So how do you get that bridal glow? Listed below are my 5 steps to help you get gorgeous glowing skin for your wedding day. Don’t forget that the better your skin is the better your makeup looks.

  1. Hydration: Dehydration is the number one result of not drinking enough water and with dehydration comes dry, tight and flaky skin. The complete opposite of glowing. So one of the most important things you can start doing is increasing your water intake. Try to start your day with warm water and lemon and then aim to drink a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day.

  2. Diet: I think we all know what foods and drinks are bad for our skin but it’s not until we really need to focus on our skin that we start looking at what we should cut out of our diet to improve our overall complexion. Dairy and refined sugar are the two main food groups that can have negative effects on our skin so maybe in the months leading up to your wedding, it would be worth trying to cut down, if not eliminate both of these. Not only will it help to improve your complexion but it can also help with your overall health. I hate to say it but it might also be worth considering cutting back on your alcohol intake in the lead up to your wedding.

  3. Supplements: Skincare supplements are scientifically advanced nutritional supplements that help to clear skin from within. If you struggle with any of the other skincare steps then adding skincare supplements to your skincare regime will really help to improve your skin. I am a huge fan of the Advanced Nutrition range of supplements including their Skin Acumax and Skin Omegas. Another excellent range is Skinade. Another essential supplement to incorporate into your diet is Vitamin C which can do wonders for your skin and can also help to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the blood.

  4. Skin Treatments and Skincare: The most important part of your skincare regime is investing both time and money in skin treatments and the right skincare for your skin type. If your budget allows I would highly recommend booking a consultation with a skin therapist who will work with you to develop the best plan for your skin including treatments and products.

  5. Lifestyle: Planning a wedding is stressful at the best of times let alone during a Pandemic and stress and the skin just doesn’t work well together. Stress also affects your sleep which in turn can have a negative impact on your skin and complexion. While you plan your wedding don’t forget to take time off from it all to look after yourself. Everything from yoga, meditation and exercise will not only help with your stress and sleep but will also all have a positive impact on your overall glow.

  6. Skin Therapists: I always recommend some of the best skin therapists to my clients and they include Eavanna Breen, Sarah Warren Skin and Skin by Olga. They are all amazing but getting on their client list early is highly recommended.

If you have any questions on any of the above please feel free to drop me an email to aoifecallaghanmakeup@gmail.com. Enjoy planning your new skincare regime and taking time to pamper your skin.